PUBLICITÉ - Les ING Sprinters sont des instruments complexes en vertu du droit néerlandais et, en raison de l'effet de levier, ils comportent un risque élevé d'augmentation rapide des pertes, cliquez ici pour un aperçu des risques.

Cookie statement

This website is operated by ING Bank N.V. with the support of a website service support agency. We use cookies and similar technologies on this website.

What are cookies?

Cookies are tiny files we store on your computer when you visit our website, similar technologies are files which are stored on your web browser when you access our website with your web browser. In this statement, we will mean both cookies and similar technologies when we talk about ‘cookies’. Some cookies are necessary for certain functions on our website. Other cookies allow us to analyse how you use our website. They tell us more about you, such as the pages you visit on our website and the elements of our website you are most interested in. We use this information to improve our website. We limit the information we collect through cookies to what is necessary for the purposes mentioned below and, when possible, anonymize the information.

What cookies are used on this website?

We only use one type of cookies on this website: functional cookies. Functional cookies are cookies that ensure our website works properly. For instance:

  • We use cookies for the duration of your visit of our website to allow you to authenticate yourself and gain access to our portal.
  • We use cookies to monitor detect any security threats, such as unauthorized access to the platform. The information stored in the cookies is used to log any request you do for threat assessment and auditing purposes.

Please find below a table with the cookies we use, which party they are from and the duration for which your information is stored by the cookie.

Your rights:

Website visitors have the right to receive an overview or copy of the data collected on them, the right to have data rectified where possible, the right to object against the processing, the right to have the data erased and the right to restrict processing of their personal data.

The right to receive an overview or a copy of the personal data cannot be exercised if the data are necessary for the prevention, detection or investigation of possible criminal activity. The right to erasure and the right to restriction of personal data collected cannot be exercised if:

  1. ING needs the data for the prevention, detection or investigation of possible criminal activity
  2. ING needs the information for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim, or
  3. ING needs the information to comply with a legal obligation.

You can exercise your rights via email

Want to know more about what happens to your personal information?

For more general information about your privacy, you can visit the general ING privacy statement on

This cookie disclaimer may be modified from time to time to comply with applicable laws or to reflect our updated business practices. Please check this page from time to time for any changes.

Cookie/technique Purpose Storage period Further information
cookiepref Used for saving the visitor's cookie preference: basic, personal or complete. 1 year (pseudo)anonymous
cookieversion Used for saving the version of cookie disclaimer the user has accepted. Can be used to retrigger the cookie modal if the content has changed. 1 year (pseudo)anonymous
disclaimer Used for saving the disclaimer preference. Once this cookie is set, the visitor won't see the disclaimer modal window during the next visit. session (pseudo)anonymous
iwp_hero_version Used for displaying a specific version of the hero on the Homepage Session (pseudo)anonymous
iwp_prev_hero_version Used for saving the previous Hero version that was displayed on the Homepage 1 month (pseudo)anonymous